Social work

The overall vision of Rescue Mission Ministries is to reach out to those who "have fallen between the ship and the quays." Our social outreach expresses itself by our involvement with organizations with similar visions (e.g. Cafe Trappa Ner, Cafe Trappa Upp, Krokeberg, Teambo I Göteborg Ab, Sahlgrenska, Socialen, Arbetsförmedlingen, Försäkringskassan, Frivården, Kriminalvården, etc) and in our effort to reach out to individuals through the Secondhand, both the volunteers who come to us through various agencies because of sickness or imprisonment or addiction, etc, and the customers of the shop. People come to Rescue Mission Secondhand to shop, but they also come in for a chat, a cup of coffee, counseling, prayer, or just a little bit of company. We believe God has mysterious ways of reaching out to people.

Rescue Mission Ministries has started in the heart of God and it will always be His desire that we should represent that heart to those who are looking for Him, whatever path they may have been on, whatever roads they've taken on the journey. Sometimes we have to be His hands, sometimes His feet, His arms, His words of encouragement, His kick under the backside; whatever we have to be, He always wants us to be driven by His heart for a people who are lost.

That is the mainstay of Rescue Mission Ministries in Göteborg, Sweden-- to represent the heart of God to the "lost" and to root the "found" in the ways of that heart.


Our church is a lively, international community of believers, from many different nations and denominational backgrounds.

We believe that a family construction can bring restoration to the lonely individual and together as a church family we reach out to people by showing them the Father Heart of God.

Social work

The overall vision of Rescue Mission Ministries is to reach out to those who "have fallen between the ship and the quays."

Our social outreach expresses itself by our involvement with organizations with similar visions.


Rescue Mission Secondhand is run by volunteers both through the social work system, and volunteers who have a heart for serving God and loving people.

We like to work together as a family.